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About the company

CSL Limited is an Australia-based biotechnology company. The Company’s areas of focus include rare and serious diseases, influenza vaccines and iron deficiency and nephrology. The Company’s segments include CSL Behring, CSL Seqirus and CSL Vifor. The CSL Behring segment manufactures, markets and distributes plasma products, gene therapies and recombinants. The CSL Seqirus segment manufactures, markets and distributes predominantly influenza related products and provides pandemic services to governments. The CSL Vifor segment manufactures, markets and distributes products in the therapeutic areas of iron deficiency and nephrology. Its CSL Plasma operates plasma collection networks, with more than 325 plasma collection centers in the United States, Europe and China. The Company operates in Australia, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and China. Its products include Respreeza, Zemaira, HAEGARDA, KCENTRA, Hepatitis B, Evogam and others.

  • Revenue in AUD (TTM)23.56bn
  • Net income in AUD4.21bn
  • Incorporated1991
  • Employees30.40k
  • Location
    CSL Ltd655 Elizabeth StreetMELBOURNE 3000AustraliaAUS
  • Phone+61 39389-1911
  • Fax+61 39389-1434
  • Website
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