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  • Price (EUR)2.28
  • Today's Change-0.36 / -13.65%
  • Shares traded1.00k
  • 1 Year change+24.21%
  • Beta--
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About the company

OceanaGold Corporation is an intermediate gold and copper producer. It has a portfolio of four operating mines: the Haile Gold Mine in the United States of America; Didipio Mine in the Philippines; and the Macraes and Waihi operations in New Zealand. The gold, copper, and silver it produces are essential to the renewable energy and transport sectors, life-saving medical devices and technology which connects communities around the world. The Didipio gold and copper mine is in Luzon, Philippines. It produces gold and silver as dore bars and copper in concentrate. The Macraes Operation on the South Island of New Zealand is an active gold producing mine. The operation includes a large-scale surface mine, an underground mine, and an adjacent process plant inclusive of an autoclave for pressure oxidation of the ore. Its Waihi Operation in the North Island of New Zealand is an underground operation. The Haile Gold Mine, located in Kershaw, South Carolina, is a gold mine on the East Coast.

  • Revenue in CAD (TTM)1.62bn
  • Net income in CAD94.91m
  • Incorporated2007
  • Employees2.64k
  • Location
    OceanaGold CorpSuite 1020, 400 Burrard StreetVANCOUVER V6C 3A6CanadaCAN
  • Phone+1 (604) 678-4123
  • Fax+61 39656 5333
  • Website
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