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Investment Trusts

Castelnau Group Limited


Castelnau Group Limited

  • Price (GBX)90.50
  • Today's Change-1.50 / -1.63%
  • Shares traded23.00k
  • 1 Year change+14.56%
  • Beta0.2809
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 13 2025 14:51 BST.
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About the company

Castelnau Group Limited is a Guernsey-based closed-ended investment company. Its investment objective is to compound Shareholders’ capital at a higher rate of return than the FTSE All-Share Total Return Index over the long term. The Company’s principal activity is to seek to achieve a high rate of compound return over the long term by carefully selecting investments using a thorough and objective research process and paying a price which provides a material margin of safety against permanent loss of capital, but also a favorable range of outcomes. The Company may select investments from all asset classes, geographies and all parts of the capital structure of a business. It invests in various sectors, such as specialized consumer services, leisure products, information technology (IT) Services, specialty retail, Internet retail, and IT Services. Phoenix Asset Management Partners Limited is the investment manager of the Company.

  • Revenue in GBP (TTM)105.36m
  • Net income in GBP93.31m
  • Incorporated2020
  • Employees4.00
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Management group(s)Phoenix Asset Management Partners
AIC sectorFlexible Investment
Launch date18 Oct 2021
Share typeOrdinary Share
StructureInvestment Trust
Base currencyGBP


To compound Shareholders capital at a higher rate of return than the FTSE All Share Total Return Index over the long term. The Company may select investments from all asset classes, geographies and all parts of the capital structure of a business. Both private and public markets are within the scope of the Company’s investment policy.

Managed by

Gary Channon, James Wilson, Charlotte Maby, Graham Shircore, Steve Tatters, Lorraine Smyth

Management & contract fees

No annual management fee is payable to the Investment Manager but the Investment Manager is entitled to payment of a performance fee( one third of the outperformance of the NAV total return) depending upon the performance of the Company’s investments.

Peer analysis

Key Information
CompanyRevenue (TTM)Net income (TTM)Market capEmployeesPrice/earnings (TTM)Price/book value (MRQ)Price/cash flow (TTM)Price/sales (TTM)EPS (excl. extraordinary items, TTM)EPS (incl. extraordinary items, TTM)Revenue per share (TTM)Book value per share (MRQ)Asset turnover (TTM)Inventory turnover (TTM)Receivables turnover (TTM)Revenues per employee (TTM)Return on avg assets (TTM)Return on avg assets (5 yr avg)Return on investment (TTM)Return on investment (5 yr avg)Gross margin (TTM)Gross margin
(5 yr avg)
Net profit margin (TTM)Net Profit margin
(5 yr avg)
Quick ratio (MRQ)Interest coverage (TTM)Total debt to capital (MRQ)Payout ratio
(5 yr avg)
(YOY change %)
(5 yr growth rate)
Net income
(YOY change %)
Net income
(5 yr growth rate)
Capital expenditure
(5 yr growth rate)
(5 yr growth rate)
Real Estate Credit Investments Ltd29.24m19.17m271.82m0.0014.390.8448--9.300.08510.08510.12941.450.0713--7.23--4.674.165.805.2585.8084.3965.5666.65----0.1983147.462.264.416.352.59--0.00
Fintel PLC68.90m5.90m271.94m494.0046.062.7523.853.950.05670.05670.66180.95020.4973--5.56139,473.704.558.185.509.71----9.1415.64--11.220.150334.58-2.415.07-27.5520.0444.352.63
Hansa Investment Company Ltd94.05m89.20m274.40m0.003.170.6074--2.920.74360.74360.78393.890.2218--18.15--21.047.8221.067.8696.6591.7994.8587.61----0.0013.641,346.5733.62858.2538.27---27.52
Jpmorgan Asia Growth & Income PLC46.17m40.40m280.90m0.007.950.914--6.080.48030.48030.54024.180.1347--13.93--11.794.0411.934.0696.1888.8387.4978.47----0.00101.3286.138.1193.997.84---5.55
Impax Asset Management Group Plc171.77m36.48m283.09m311.007.562.166.901.650.28240.28241.330.98890.9262--4.33552,302.3019.6723.2126.2431.91----21.2425.02--29.470.05677.77-3.7018.44-7.0018.1121.7238.07
Liontrust Asset Management PLC180.38m14.58m289.22m240.0019.731.9711.161.600.22810.22812.822.290.4862--1.04751,587.503.936.708.2115.9993.4594.118.0813.94----0.0101136.81-18.6815.19-108.87---25.2621.67
Montanaro European Smllr Cmpns Trst PLC56.90m52.79m291.13m0.005.560.938--5.120.27870.27870.30041.650.1915--72.95--17.778.0517.838.2195.0290.1092.7786.27----0.02578.07194.29-3.86163.12-5.86--4.56
Henderson High Income Trust plc38.61m33.34m291.78m0.007.600.959--7.560.2230.2230.25571.770.12--10.21--10.375.2511.966.0187.9383.5386.3580.33----0.061387.42445.51--294.34----1.52
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc126.36m121.16m294.10m0.002.450.8902--2.333.
CQS New City High Yield Fund Ltd49.21m43.42m298.83m0.006.291.03--6.070.08130.08130.09220.49590.165--8.26--14.565.7216.906.6590.4783.3488.2278.22----0.1135140.20516.0135.051,258.8741.82--0.2237
Castelnau Group Ltd105.36m93.31m299.21m4.003.040.90493.212.840.29650.29650.35520.99460.3161--243.5026,339,860.0028.00--34.48--92.62--88.56------0.1544--133.43--77.19------
Schroder Japan Trust PLC65.30m61.03m299.88m0.005.040.8666--4.590.51380.51380.54972.990.186--37.37--17.397.6717.797.9495.9291.8393.4686.75----0.028729.0285.56--94.66----18.13
BlackRock Frontiers Investment Trust PLC55.72m47.18m300.60m0.006.370.9185--5.390.24920.24920.29431.730.1702--13.47--14.419.3115.219.7288.1582.6784.6878.35--523.270.0000545.54-22.5889.24-21.79----4.16
STS Global Income & Growth Trust PLC23.28m19.83m301.21m0.0013.701.07--12.940.17960.17960.20712.310.0871--16.31--7.426.037.896.4490.4390.6185.1783.15----0.047643.251,268.61-10.02337.80-12.45--0.9112
European Assets Trust PLC30.34m24.76m304.62m0.0012.300.8593--10.040.06880.06880.08430.98460.0801--7.05--6.545.546.985.7487.5488.5881.6481.38----0.0772105.54123.75--120.04-----6.75
JPMorgan US Smaller Co Inv Trust PLC16.87m12.27m305.54m0.0026.361.15--18.110.19120.19120.2654.400.0577--15.50--4.207.684.528.1979.3189.1572.7385.11----0.007.90177.43--147.09----3.71
Data as of Mar 13 2025. Currency figures normalised to Castelnau Group Limited's reporting currency: UK Pound GBX

Institutional shareholders

72.77%Per cent of shares held by top holders
HolderShares% Held
Phoenix Asset Management Partners of 24 May 2024223.24m69.15%
Artemis Investment Management LLPas of 30 Apr 202410.37m3.21%
Ruffer LLPas of 30 Aug 20241.00m0.31%
Wesleyan Unit Trust Managers of 31 Dec 2023302.36k0.09%
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Data from 31 Dec 2023 - 31 Dec 2024Source: FactSet Research Systems Inc.
Data Provided by LSEG
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