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Company Announcements

Minutes of meeting from AGM 2024

Source: GlobeNewswire
Minutes of meeting from AGM 2024

Company Announcement no. 08/2024

Minutes of meeting from AGM 2024

Copenhagen, April 24, 2024

At cBrain's (NASDAQ: CBRAIN) ordinary general meeting on April 24

  • The Board of Directors' report on the Company’s activities in the past year was approved,
  • The Annual Report 2024 was adopted and resolution regarding discharge for the Management and the Board of Directors was passed,
  • Appropriation of profit or covering of loss according to the approved annual report approved (dividend of DKK 0.28 per share),

  • Peter Loft, Thomas Qvist and Per Tejs Knudsen reelected to the board and

  • EY Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab reelected as independent auditors.

The general meeting also approved the board's proposal for:

  • The remuneration report for 2023,
  • The Remuneration,
  • Remuneration of the Board of Directors for 2023.
    • The Board of Directors recommend an increase of 10% and a separate increase for the deputy chairman/chairman of the audit committee of 20 TDKK:
    • Henrik Hvidtfeldt: 165 TDKK.
    • Lisa Herold Ferbing: 135 TDKK.
    • Peter Loft: 110 TDKK
  • The authorization of the Board of Directors, until the next ordinary general meeting, to acquire up to 10% of the share capital on behalf of the company. The consideration must not deviate from the official price quoted on Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen at the time of acquisition by more than 10%.

No matters were disclosed at the general meeting that have not previously been made public.

Best regards

Per Tejs Knudsen, CEO

Inquiries regarding this Company Announcement may be directed to

Ejvind Jørgensen, CFO & Head of Investor Relations, cBrain A/S,, +45 2594 4973
