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Company Announcements

Altona Rare Earths Plc - Notification of Major Shareholding

TR-1: Standard form for notification of major holdings


NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS(to be sent to the relevant issuer and to the FCA
in Microsoft Word format if possible)

1a. Identity of the issuer or the
underlying issuer of existing shares to Altona Rare Earths PLC
which voting rights are attached:

1b. Please indicate if the issuer is a non-UK issuer(please mark with an “X” if

Non-UK issuer

2. Reason for the notification(please mark the appropriate box or boxes with an

An acquisition or disposal of voting rights                                   X

An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments

An event changing the breakdown of voting rights

Other (please specify):

3. Details of person subject to the notification obligation

Name                                    R S & C A JENNINGS

City and country of registered office   York, UK
(if applicable)

4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3.)v


City and country of registered office
(if applicable)

5. Date on which the threshold was      27 June 2024
crossed or reached:

6. Date on which issuer notified        27 June 2024

7. Total positions of person(s) subject to the notification obligation

                                       % of voting rights                    ber
                    % of voting rights through financial                     of
                    attached to shares instruments        Total of both in % vot
                    (total of 8. A)    (total of 8.B 1 +  (8.A + 8.B)        ing
                                       8.B 2)                                rig

Resulting situation                                                          86,
on the date on      7.2%                                  7.2%               767
which threshold was                                                          ,10
crossed or reached                                                           7

Position of
notification (if    1.98%                                 1.98%



8. Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the
threshold was crossed or reached

A: Voting rights attached to shares

              Number of voting rights            % of voting rights
Class/type of
shares                              Indirect     Direct           Indirect
ISIN code (if                       (Art 10 of   (Art 9 of        (Art 10 of
possible)     (Art 9 of Directive   Directive    Directive        Directive
              2004/109/EC) (DTR5.1) 2004/109/EC) 2004/109/EC)     2004/109/EC)
                                    (DTR5.2.1)   (DTR5.1)         (DTR5.2.1)

GB00BJFDXW97  6,220,000             n/a          7.2%             n/a

SUBTOTAL 8. A 6,220,000                          7.2%

B 1: Financial Instruments according to Art. 13(1)(a) of Directive 2004/109/EC
(DTR5.3.1.1 (a))

                                     Number of voting rights that
Type of       Expiration Exercise/   may be acquired if the       % of voting
financial     date       Conversion  instrument is                rights
instrument               Periodxi

                         SUBTOTAL 8.
                         B 1