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Company Announcements

The Biotech Growth Trust PLC - Result of General Meeting


(the "Company")


Result of the General Meeting


The Board is pleased to announce that at the General Meeting of the Company held on Thursday, 18 July 2024 the resolution detailed below was duly passed by shareholders on a poll.  


|                |         |     |             |    |                |Votes    |
|Resolution      |Votes For|%    |Votes Against|%   |Total Votes Cast|         |
|                |         |     |             |    |                |Withheld*|
|1. THAT the     |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|Related Party   |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|Transaction     |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|relating to the |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|Benchmark Index |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|Change on the   |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|terms summarised|         |     |             |    |                |         |
|in paragraph 2  |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|of Part I       |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|(Letter from the|         |     |             |    |                |         |
|Chair) be and is|         |     |             |    |                |         |
|hereby approved |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|for the purposes|         |     |             |    |                |         |
|of Chapter 11 of|         |     |             |    |                |         |
|the Listing     |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|Rules and the   |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|directors of the|         |     |             |    |                |         |
|Company be and  |9,803,831|99.64|35,884       |0.36|9,839,715       |15,013   |
|are hereby      |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|authorised to do|         |     |             |    |                |         |
|all such acts   |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|and things and  |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|execute all such|         |     |             |    |                |         |
|documents as    |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|they may in     |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|their absolute  |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|discretion      |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|consider        |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|necessary and/or|         |     |             |    |                |         |
|desirable in    |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|order to        |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|implement and   |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|complete the    |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|Benchmark Index |         |     |             |    |                |         |
|Change.         |         |     |             |    |                |         |


* Please note that a `vote withheld' is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes `For' and `Against' a resolution.


Any proxy votes which are at the discretion of the Chairman have been included in the "For" total.


At the date of the AGM, the total number of Ordinary shares of 25p each in issue and the total number of voting rights was 32,887,198.


The proxy voting figures will shortly also be available on the Company's website at


In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, the full text of the resolution passed has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at .


18 July 2024


For further information please contact:


        Katherine Manson Frostrow Capital LLP - Company Secretary 020 3709 8734