Company Announcements

Unisys Corporation - Unisys Announces 2Q24 Results


Unisys Announces 2Q24 Results


Unisys Continues Strong Momentum in New Business (6)   Signings   and   Reiterates Full-Year Guidance

    --  Revenue growth of 0.3% year over year (YoY), a 0.5% increase in constant
        currency(1); Excluding License and Support (Ex-L&S)(15) revenue was flat
        YoY, a 0.1% increase in constant currency
    --  Gross profit margin of 27.2%, an improvement of 290 bps YoY; Ex-L&S
        gross profit margin of 18.7%, an increase of 270 bps YoY
    --  Operating profit margin of 4.9 %; non-GAAP operating profit(8) margin of
        6.1 %
    --  New Business Total Contract Value (TCV)(4) increased 64% YoY and 17%
        quarter-over-quarter (QoQ) driven by more than doubling of new logo
        signings in both YoY and QoQ

BLUE BELL, Pa., Aug. 5, 2024 -- Unisys Corporation (NYSE:   UIS) reported financial results for the second quarter of 2024.

Logo -

"Unisys had another strong quarter of new logo signings, which more than doubled sequentially for the third consecutive quarter," said Unisys Chair and CEO Peter A. Altabef. "Overall New Business TCV grew double-digit year-over-year, which we believe signals strong marketplace momentum for our solution portfolio and recognition of the innovation we are bringing to our clients. We are also continuing to advance industry solutions that bring together data, engineering and industry expertise to drive tangible business value."

Unisys Chief Financial Officer Deb McCann said, "Unisys reported another solid quarter, with slightly stronger than expected Ex-L&S revenue growth. Our second quarter Ex-L&S gross profit margin improvement of 270 bps compared to prior year extends a track record of execution against our plan to improve profitability. Looking ahead for the second half of the year, we anticipate sequential revenue growth and operating profit and cash flow improvement as New Business signings begin to generate revenue and we further benefit from our operating efficiency initiatives."

Financial Highlights

Please refer to the accompanying financial tables for a reconciliation of the GAAP to non-GAAP measures presented except for financial guidance since such a reconciliation is not practicable without unreasonable effort.

(In millions, except numbers presented as   2Q24     2Q23     YTD24     YTD23

Revenue                                     $478.2$476.8$966.0$993.2

YoY revenue growth                          0.3%              (2.7)%

YoY revenue growth in constant currency     0.5%              (3.5)%

Ex-L&S revenue                              $396.1$396.0$790.7$775.5

YoY revenue growth                          —%                2.0%

YoY revenue growth in constant currency     0.1%              1.5%

License and Support(14)revenue              $82.1$80.8$175.3$217.7

YoY revenue growth                          1.6%              (19.5)%

YoY revenue growth in constant currency     2.1%              (21.1)%

Gross profit                                $129.9$115.8$265.9$274.8

Gross profit percent                        27.2%    24.3%    27.5%     27.7%

Ex-L&S gross profit                         $74.2$63.4$145.4$115.9

Ex-L&S gross profit percent                 18.7%    16.0%    18.4%     14.9%

Operating profit                            $23.6$0.1$41.3$50.0

Operating profit percent                    4.9%     —%       4.3%      5.0%

Non-GAAP operating profit                   $29.3$16.3$63.7$76.4

Non-GAAP operating profit percent           6.1%     3.4%     6.6%      7.7%

Net loss attributable to Unisys             ($12.0)  ($40.0)  ($161.5)  ($215.4)

Non-GAAP net income (loss) attributable to  $11.0    ($6.1)   $13.7$28.6Unisys Corporation(10)

EBITDA                                      $35.6$9.2     ($68.6)   ($108.6)

Adjusted EBITDA(9)                          $58.4$50.3$123.7$148.5

Adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of revenue  12.2%    10.5%    12.8%     15.0%

Second   Quarter 2024 Results

Revenue growth of 0.3% YoY, a 0.5% increase in constant currency. Ex-L&S revenue was flat YoY, a 0.1% increase in constant currency.

Gross profit margin improved 290 bps YoY and Ex-L&S gross profit margin improved 270 bps YoY primarily driven by delivery improvements and an increase in higher-margin solutions in our New Business signings.

Financial Highlights by Segment

(In millions, except numbers presented as       2Q24    2Q23    YTD24    YTD23

Digital Workplace Solutions (DWS):

Revenue                                         $132.1$135.0$264.4$266.0

YoY revenue growth                              (2.1)%          (0.6)%

YoY revenue growth in constant currency         (2.2)%          (1.1)%

Gross profit                                    $21.4$18.4$40.4$34.0

Gross profit percent                            16.2%   13.6%   15.3%    12.8%

Cloud, Applications & Infrastructure Solutions

Revenue                                         $134.3$132.6$263.3$258.6

YoY revenue growth                              1.3%            1.8%

YoY revenue growth in constant currency         1.3%            1.8%

Gross profit                                    $23.9$22.4$45.3$38.8

Gross profit percent                            17.8%   16.9%   17.2%    15.0%

Enterprise Computing Solutions (ECS):

Revenue                                         $137.5$134.6$284.5$322.8

YoY revenue growth                              2.2%            (11.9)%

YoY revenue growth in constant currency         2.5%            (13.3)%

Gross profit                                    $76.9$72.8$161.9$198.3

Gross profit percent                            55.9%   54.1%   56.9%    61.4%

Second   Quarter 2024 Segment Results

DWS revenue declined 2.1% YoY, a decline of 2.2% in constant currency, but was better than expected at the beginning of the second quarter, as the decline in discretionary volume was more modest than anticipated. DWS gross profit margin was 16.2%, an increase of 260 bps YoY, reflecting results from delivery modernization and efficiency initiatives as well as higher-margin solutions in our New Business signings.

CA&I revenue increased 1.3% in both YoY and constant currency. CA&I gross profit margin was 17.8%, an increase of 90 bps YoY, primarily driven by labor cost savings initiatives.

ECS revenue increased 2.2% YoY, an increase of 2.5% in constant currency. ECS gross profit margin was 55.9%, an increase of 180 bps YoY. The increase in revenue and gross profit margin was primarily driven by the timing of software license renewals and managed services growth.

Balance Sheet and Cash Flows

(In millions)                             June 30, 2024   December 31,

Cash and cash equivalents                 $               $               387.7

(In millions)                             2Q24     2Q23   YTD24    YTD23

Cash provided by operations               $2.7$42.5$26.5$55.3

Free cash flow(11)                        ($18.5)  $24.7  ($14.6)  $17.2

Pre-pension and postretirement free cash  ($13.8)  $39.4  ($2.2)   $48.3

Adjusted free cash flow(13)               ($8.0)   $68.1$9.3$88.2

Free cash flow declined by ($43.2) million   YoY in the second quarter of   2024 and by ($31.8) million in the six months ended June 30, 2024, primarily due to the timing of collections and other fluctuations in working capital.

Other Key Performance Metrics

                 YoY     QoQ
                 Change  Change*


Total company    19 %    25 %

Ex-L&S TCV       10 %    35 %


Total company    (25) %  (7) %

Ex-L&S pipeline  (25) %  (8) %

* QoQ - quarter over quarter

TCV improvements reported above were primarily impacted by increased New Business TCV of 64% YoY and 17% QoQ, primarily driven by new logo signings more than doubling YoY and QoQ.

Total company and Ex-L&S pipeline declines YoY resulted from strong New Business conversion and timing of the renewal schedule.

Backlog (2) was $2.79 billion for the second quarter of 2024 compared to $2.69 billion for the second quarter of 2023.

2024 Financial Guidance

The company reiterates full-year 2024 revenue growth and profitability guidance:


Revenue growth in constant currency (1.5)% to 1.5%

Non-GAAP operating profit margin    5.5% to 7.5%

Constant currency revenue guidance implies   (1.7)% to 1.3% revenue growth as reported, based on recent exchange rates, and assumes Ex-L&S full-year revenue growth of 1.5% to 5.0% and L&S revenue of approximately $375   million.

Conference Call

Unisys will hold a conference call with the financial community on Tuesday, August 6 at 8 a.m. Eastern Time to discuss the results of the second quarter of 2024.

The live, listen-only webcast, as well as the accompanying presentation materials, can be accessed on the Unisys Investor Website at In addition, domestic callers can dial 1-844-695-5518 and international callers can dial 1-412-902-6749 and provide the following conference passcode: Unisys Corporation Call.

A webcast replay will be available on the Unisys Investor Website shortly following the conference call. A replay will also be available by dialing 1-877-344-7529 for domestic callers or 1-412-317-0088 for international callers and entering access code 6869066 from two hours after the end of the call until August 20, 2024.

(1)   Constant currency – A significant amount of the company's revenue is derived from international operations. As a result, the company's revenue has been and will continue to be affected by changes in the U.S. dollar against major international currencies. The company refers to revenue growth rates in constant currency or on a constant currency basis so that the business results can be viewed without the impact of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates to facilitate comparisons of the company's business performance from one period to another. Constant currency is calculated by retranslating current and prior-period revenue at a consistent exchange rate rather than the actual exchange rates in effect during the respective periods.

(2)   Backlog   – Represents future revenue associated with contracted work, which has not yet been delivered or performed. Although the company believes this revenue will be recognized, it may, for commercial reasons, allow the orders to be canceled, with or without penalty.

(3)   Pipeline   – Represents qualified prospective sale opportunities for which bids have been submitted or vetted prospective sales opportunities which are being actively pursued. There is no assurance that pipeline will translate into recorded revenue.

(4)   Total Contract Value (TCV) – Represents the estimated revenue related to contracts signed in the period without regard for cancellation terms. New Business TCV represents TCV attributable to expansion and new scope for existing clients and new logo contracts.

(5)   Book-to-bill   Represents total contract value booked divided by revenue in a given period.

(6)   New Business – Represents expansion and new scope for existing clients and new logo contracts.

(7)   Next-Gen Solutions   Includes our Modern Workplace solutions within DWS, Digital Platforms and Applications (DP&A) solutions within CA&I, Specialized Services and Next-Gen Compute (SS&C) solutions within ECS, as well as Micro-Market solutions. The company uses estimated Next-Gen Solutions metrics to provide insight into the company's progress in shifting the revenue mix towards solutions that are generally higher-growth and higher-margin.

(8)   Non-GAAP operating profit – This measure excludes pretax pension and postretirement expense and pretax charges in connection with certain legal matters related to professional services and legal fees, including legal defense costs, associated with certain legal proceedings, and cost-reduction activities and other expenses.

(9)   EBITDA & adjusted EBITDA   Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) is calculated by starting with net income (loss) attributable to Unisys Corporation common shareholders and adding or subtracting the following items: net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests, interest expense (net of interest income), provision for (benefit from) income taxes, depreciation and amortization. Adjusted EBITDA further excludes pension and postretirement expense; certain legal matters related to settlements, professional services and legal fees, including legal defense costs, associated with certain legal proceedings; environmental matters related to previously disposed businesses; cost-reduction activities and other expenses, non-cash share-based expense, and other (income) expense adjustments.

(10)   Non-GAAP net income (loss) and non-GAAP diluted earnings (loss) per share   – These measures excluded pension and postretirement expense and charges or (credits) in connection with certain legal matters related to settlements, professional services and legal fees, including legal defense costs, associated with certain legal proceedings; environmental matters related to previously disposed businesses; cost-reduction activities and other expenses. The tax amounts related to these items for the calculation of non-GAAP diluted earnings (loss) per share include the current and deferred tax expense and benefits recognized under GAAP for these items.

(11)   Free cash flow – Represents cash flow from operations less capital expenditures.

(12)   Pre-pension and postretirement free cash flow – Represents free cash flow before pension and postretirement contributions.

(13)   Adjusted free cash flow – Represents free cash flow less cash used for pension and postretirement funding; certain legal matters related to professional services and legal fees, including legal defense costs, associated with certain legal proceedings; environmental matters related to previously disposed businesses; and cost-reduction activities and other payments.

(14)   License and Support (L&S) – Represents software license and related support revenue within the company's ECS segment.

(15)   Excluding License and Support (Ex-L&S) – These measures exclude revenue, gross profit and gross profit margin in connection with software license and support revenue within the company's ECS segment. The company provides these measures to allow investors to isolate the impact of software license renewals, which tend to be significant and impactful based on timing, and related support services in order to evaluate the company's business outside of these areas.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Unisys cautions readers that the assumptions forming the basis for forward-looking statements include many factors that are beyond Unisys' ability to control or estimate precisely, such as estimates of future market conditions, the behavior of other market participants and that TCV is based, in part, on the assumption that each of those contracts will continue for their full contracted term. Words such as "anticipates," "estimates," "expects," "projects," "may," "will," "intends," "plans," "believes," "should" and similar expressions may identify forward-looking statements and such forward-looking statements are made based upon management's current expectations, assumptions and beliefs as of this date concerning future developments and their potential effect upon Unisys. There can be no assurance that future developments will be in accordance with management's expectations, assumptions and beliefs or that the effect of future developments on Unisys will be those anticipated by management. Forward-looking statements in this release and the accompanying presentation include, but are not limited to, statements made in Mr. Altabef's and Ms. McCann's quotations, any projections or expectations of revenue growth, margin expansion, achievement of operational efficiencies and savings, future growth of our Next-Gen Solutions (7) , TCV and New Business TCV, the impact of New Logo signings, the impact of Unisys Logistics Optimization, backlog, pipeline, book-to-bill (5) , full-year 2024 revenue growth and profitability guidance, including constant currency revenue, Ex-L&S revenue growth, L&S revenue, non-GAAP operating profit margin, free cash flow generation and the assumptions and other expectations made in connection with our full-year 2024 financial guidance, our pension liability, future economic benefits from net operating losses and statements regarding future economic conditions or performance.  

Additional information and factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from Unisys' expectations are contained in Unisys' filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including Unisys' Annual Reports on Form 10-K and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, recent Current Reports on Form 8-K, and other SEC filings, which are available at the SEC's web site, Information included in this release is representative as of the date of this release only and while Unisys periodically reassesses material trends and uncertainties affecting Unisys' results of operations and financial condition in connection with its preparation of management's discussion and analysis of results of operations and financial condition contained in its Quarterly and Annual Reports filed with the SEC, Unisys does not, by including this statement, assume any obligation to review or revise any particular forward-looking statement referenced herein in light of future events.

Non-GAAP Information

This release includes certain non-GAAP financial measures that exclude certain items such as postretirement expense; certain legal and other matters related to professional services and legal fees, including legal defense costs, associated with certain legal proceedings; environmental matters related to previously disposed businesses; and cost-reduction activities and other expenses that the company believes are not indicative of its ongoing operations, as they may be unusual or non-recurring. The inclusion of such items in financial measures can make the company's profitability and liquidity results difficult to compare to prior periods or anticipated future periods and can distort the visibility of trends associated with the company's ongoing performance. Management also believes that non-GAAP measures are useful to investors because they provide supplemental information about the company's financial performance and liquidity, as well as greater transparency into management's view and assessment of the company's ongoing operating performance.

Non-GAAP financial measures are often provided and utilized by the company's management, analysts, and investors to enhance comparability of year-over-year results and to isolate in some instances the impact of software license renewals, which tend to be lumpy, and related support services in order to evaluate the company's business outside of these areas. These items are uncertain, depend on various factors, and could have a material impact on the company's GAAP results for the applicable period. These measures should not be relied upon as substitutes for, or considered in isolation from, measures calculated in accordance with U.S. GAAP. A reconciliation of these non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable financial measures calculated and reported in accordance with GAAP can be found below except for financial guidance and other forward-looking information since such a reconciliation is not practicable without unreasonable efforts as the company is unable to reasonably forecast certain amounts that are necessary for such reconciliation. This information has been provided pursuant to the requirements of SEC Regulation G.

About Unisys

Unisys is a global technology solutions company that powers breakthroughs for the world's leading organizations. Our solutions – cloud, data and AI, digital workplace, logistics and enterprise computing – help our clients challenge the status quo and unlock their full potential. To learn how we have been helping clients push what's possible for more than 150 years, visit and follow us on LinkedIn.


RELEASE NO.: 0805/9954

Unisys and other Unisys products and services mentioned herein, as well as their respective logos, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Unisys Corporation. Any other brand or product referenced herein is acknowledged to be a trademark or registered trademark of its respective holder.





(Millions, except per share data)

                  Three Months Ended              Six Months Ended

                  June 30,                        June 30,

                  2024            2023            2024            2023


Services          $        416.1$        417.0$        832.9$        820.9

Technology        62.1            59.8            133.1           172.3

                  478.2           476.8           966.0           993.2

Costs and

Cost of revenue

Services          312.1           323.5           627.0           639.6

Technology        36.2            37.5            73.1            78.8

                  348.3           361.0           700.1           718.4

Selling, general
and               101.4           110.3           213.6           213.2

Research and      4.9             5.4             11.0            11.6

                  454.6           476.7           924.7           943.2

Operating income  23.6            0.1             41.3            50.0

Interest expense  7.9             7.5             15.8            15.1

Other (expense),  (9.4)           (16.7)          (151.5)         (213.6)

Earnings (loss)
before income     6.3             (24.1)          (126.0)         (178.7)

Provision for     18.8            15.4            35.8            35.3
income taxes

Consolidated net  (12.5)          (39.5)          (161.8)         (214.0)

Net (loss)
attributable to   (0.5)           0.5             (0.3)           1.4

Net loss
attributable to   $(12.0)$(40.0)$(161.5)$(215.4)

Loss per share
attributable to

Basic             $(0.17)$(0.59)$(2.34)$(3.16)

Diluted           $(0.17)$(0.59)$(2.34)$(3.16)






              Total   DWS             CA&I            ECS             Other

Three Months
Ended June
30, 2024

Revenue       $       $        132.1$        134.3$        137.5  $
              478.2                                                   74.3

Gross profit  27.2 %  16.2 %          17.8 %          55.9 %

Three Months
Ended June
30, 2023

Revenue       $       $        135.0$        132.6$        134.6  $
              476.8                                                   74.6

Gross profit  24.3 %  13.6 %          16.9 %          54.1 %

              Total   DWS             CA&I            ECS             Other

Six Months
Ended June
30, 2024

Revenue       $       $        264.4$        263.3$        284.5  $
              966.0                                                   153.8

Gross profit  27.5 %  15.3 %          17.2 %          56.9 %

Six Months
Ended June
30, 2023

Revenue       $       $        266.0$        258.6$        322.8  $
              993.2                                                   145.8

Gross profit  27.7 %  12.8 %          15.0 %          61.4 %








                              June 30, 2024            December31,


Current assets:

Cash and cash equivalents     $               344.9    $                  387.7

Accounts receivable, net      432.6                    454.5

Contract assets               17.4                     11.7

Inventories                   16.5                     15.3

Prepaid expenses and other    96.5                     101.8
current assets

Total current assets          907.9                    971.0

Properties                    395.1                    396.4

Less-accumulated depreciation 334.9                    332.1
and amortization

Properties, net               60.2                     64.3

Outsourcing assets, net       26.1                     31.6

Marketable software, net      169.6                    166.2

Operating lease right-of-use  38.3                     35.4

Prepaid postretirement assets 41.6                     38.0

Deferred income taxes         108.9                    114.0

Goodwill                      287.2                    287.4

Intangible assets, net        38.1                     42.7

Restricted cash               7.8                      9.0

Assets held-for-sale          4.9                      4.9

Other long-term assets        177.2                    200.9

Total assets                  $1,867.8$1,965.4

Total liabilities and deficit

Current liabilities:

Current maturities of         $                   7.2  $                    13.0
long-term debt

Accounts payable              150.2                    130.9

Deferred revenue              190.4                    198.6

Other accrued liabilities     244.4                    308.4

Total current liabilities     592.2                    650.9

Long-term debt                489.2                    491.2

Long-term postretirement      772.3                    787.7

Long-term deferred revenue    103.7                    104.4

Long-term operating lease     29.7                     25.6

Other long-term liabilities   41.3                     44.0

Commitments and contingencies

Total Unisys Corporation      (174.1)                  (151.8)
stockholders' deficit

Noncontrolling interests      13.5                     13.4

Total deficit                 (160.6)                  (138.4)

Total liabilities and deficit $1,867.8$1,965.4






                                                Six Months Ended

                                                June 30,

                                                2024             2023

Cash flows from operating activities

Consolidated net loss                           $       (161.8)$       (214.0)

Adjustments to reconcile consolidated net loss
to net cash provided by operating activities:

Foreign currency losses (gains)                 12.6             (0.5)

Non-cash interest expense                       0.6              0.6

Employee stock compensation                     11.4             8.9

Depreciation and amortization of properties     12.1             13.7

Depreciation and amortization of outsourcing    12.6             25.1

Amortization of marketable software             24.2             24.5

Amortization of intangible assets               4.6              4.9

Other non-cash operating activities             (1.0)            0.4

Loss on disposal of capital assets              —                0.1

Pension and postretirement contributions        (12.4)           (31.1)

Pension and postretirement expense              159.0            203.8

Deferred income taxes, net                      0.1              9.3

Changes in operating assets and liabilities,
excluding the effect of acquisitions:

Receivables, net and contract assets            31.9             71.0

Inventories                                     (1.7)            (5.7)

Other assets                                    (13.4)           (16.1)

Accounts payable and current liabilities        (59.4)           (37.6)

Other liabilities                               7.1              (2.0)

Net cash provided by operating activities       26.5             55.3

Cash flows from investing activities

Proceeds from foreign exchange forward          1,519.2          1,485.4

Purchases of foreign exchange forward           (1,524.8)        (1,470.4)

Investment in marketable software               (25.7)           (21.3)

Capital additions of properties                 (7.3)            (11.9)

Capital additions of outsourcing assets         (8.1)            (4.9)

Other                                           (0.1)            (0.4)

Net cash used for investing activities          (46.8)           (23.5)

Cash flows from financing activities

Payments of long-term debt                      (10.1)           (10.6)

Other                                           (1.8)            (0.4)

Net cash used for financing activities          (11.9)           (11.0)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash, cash   (11.8)           8.7
equivalents and restricted cash

(Decrease) increase in cash, cash equivalents   (44.0)           29.5
and restricted cash

Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash,     396.7            402.7
beginning of period

Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash,     $352.7$432.2
end of period





(Millions, except per share data)

                             Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended

                             June 30,            June 30,

                             2024     2023       2024            2023

Net loss attributable to     $(12.0)$(40.0)$(161.5)$(215.4)
Unisys Corporation

Pension and
postretirement pretax        12.4     10.6       159.0           203.8

               tax           0.1      (0.2)      0.2             (0.4)

               net of tax    12.3     10.8       158.8           204.2

Certain legal  pretax        6.5      8.7        (1.7)           14.4

               tax           —        —          (2.8)           —

               net of tax    6.5      8.7        1.1             14.4

Environmental  pretax        0.7      7.5        1.0             17.8

               tax           —        —          —               —

               net of tax    0.7      7.5        1.0             17.8

Cost reduction
and other      pretax        3.5      7.2        14.6            7.9

               tax           —        0.3        0.3             0.3

               net of tax    3.5      6.9        14.3            7.6

Non-GAAP net income (loss)
attributable to Unisys       $11.0$(6.1)$13.7$28.6

Weighted average shares      69,275   68,289     68,990          68,116

Plus incremental shares from
assumed vesting:

               Employee      1,636    —          1,952           646
               stock plans

Non-GAAP adjusted weighted   70,911   68,289     70,942          68,762
average shares

Diluted loss per share

Net loss attributable to     $        $          $      (161.5)$      (215.4)
Unisys Corporation           (12.0)   (40.0)

Divided by weighted average  69,275   68,289     68,990          68,116

Diluted loss per share       $(0.17)$(0.59)$(2.34)$(3.16)

Non-GAAP basis

Non-GAAP net income (loss)
attributable to Unisys       $        $          $               $
Corporation for              11.0     (6.1)      13.7            28.6
diluted earnings (loss) per

Divided by Non-GAAP adjusted 70,911   68,289     70,942          68,762
weighted average shares

Non-GAAP diluted earnings    $0.16$(0.09)$0.19$0.42
(loss) per share







                                               Three Months    Six Months
                                               Ended           Ended

                                               June 30,        June 30,

                                               2024    2023    2024    2023

Cash provided by operations                    $2.7$42.5$26.5$55.3

Additions to marketable software               (12.5)  (11.0)  (25.7)  (21.3)

Additions to properties                        (5.1)   (4.6)   (7.3)   (11.9)

Additions to outsourcing assets                (3.6)   (2.2)   (8.1)   (4.9)

Free cash flow                                 (18.5)  24.7    (14.6)  17.2

Pension and postretirement funding             4.7     14.7    12.4    31.1

Pre-pension and postretirement free cash flow  (13.8)  39.4    (2.2)   48.3

Certain legal payments                         1.2     10.9    2.6     13.0

Environmental matters payments                 2.0     5.0     4.4     10.8

Cost reduction and other payments, net         2.6     12.8    4.5     16.1

Adjusted free cash flow                        $(8.0)$68.1$9.3$88.2







                Three Months Ended                Six Months Ended

                June 30,                          June 30,

                2024             2023             2024            2023

Net loss
attributable    $(12.0)$(40.0)$(161.5)$(215.4)
to Unisys

Net (loss)
attributable    (0.5)            0.5              (0.3)           1.4

expense, net
of interest
income of
$5.3, $6.5,     2.6              1.0              3.9             1.9
$11.9 and

Provision for   18.8             15.4             35.8            35.3
income taxes

Depreciation    12.3             17.4             24.7            38.8

Amortization    14.4             14.9             28.8            29.4

EBITDA          $35.6$9.2$(68.6)$(108.6)

Pension and
postretirement  $          12.4  $          10.6  $        159.0$        203.8

Certain legal   6.5              8.7              (1.7)           14.4

Environmental   0.7              7.5              1.0             17.8

Cost reduction
and other       1.3              4.8              10.0            3.1

Non-cash share  4.6              4.1              11.1            8.7
based expense

Other (income)
expense, net    (2.7)            5.4              12.9            9.3

Adjusted        $58.4$50.3$123.7$148.5

(1) Included in other (expense), net on the consolidated statements of income

(2) Included in selling, general and administrative expenses and other
(expense), net within the consolidated statements of income (loss).  For the six
months ended June 30, 2024, certain legal matters includes a net gain of $14.9
million related to a favorable judgement received in a Brazilian services tax

(3) Reduced for depreciation and amortization included above.

(4) Other expense, net as reported on the consolidated statements of income
(loss) less pension and postretirement expense, interest income and items
included in certain legal and environmental matters, cost reduction and other


                                    Three Months Ended    Six Months Ended

                                    June 30,              June 30,

                                    2024       2023       2024       2023

Revenue                             $   478.2$   476.8$   966.0$   993.2

Net loss attributable to Unisys
Corporation as a percentage of      (2.5) %    (8.4) %    (16.7) %   (21.7) %

Non-GAAP net income (loss)
attributable to Unisys Corporation  2.3 %      (1.3) %    1.4 %      2.9 %
as a
percentage of revenue

Adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of  12.2 %     10.5 %     12.8 %     15.0 %







                                      Three Months Ended    Six Months Ended

                                      June 30,              June 30,

                                      2024       2023       2024       2023

Operating profit                      $23.6$0.1$41.3$50.0

Certain legal matters(1)              3.1        8.7        10.4       14.4

Cost reduction and other expenses(2)  2.3        7.1        11.3       11.3

Pension and postretirement expense    0.3        0.4        0.7        0.7

Non-GAAP operating profit             $29.3$16.3$63.7$76.4

Revenue                               $   478.2$   476.8$   966.0$   993.2

Operating profit percent              4.9 %      — %        4.3 %      5.0 %

Non-GAAP operating profit percent     6.1 %      3.4 %      6.6 %      7.7 %

(1) Included in selling, general and administrative on the consolidated
statements of income (loss).

(2) Included in cost of revenue, selling, general and administrative and
research and development on the consolidated statements of income (loss).



                                      Three Months    Six Months
                                      Ended           Ended

                                      June 30,        June 30,

                                      2024    2023    2024    2023

Revenue                               $478.2$476.8$966.0$993.2

L&S revenue                           82.1    80.8    175.3   217.7

Ex-L&S Non-GAAP revenue               $396.1$396.0$790.7$775.5

Gross profit                          $129.9$115.8$265.9$274.8

L&S gross profit                      55.7    52.4    120.5   158.9

Ex-L&S Non-GAAP gross profit          $74.2$63.4$145.4$115.9

Gross profit percent                  27.2 %  24.3 %  27.5 %  27.7 %

Ex-L&S Non-GAAP gross profit percent  18.7 %  16.0 %  18.4 %  14.9 %


SOURCE Unisys Corporation

CONTACT: For Investors: Michaela Pewarski, Unisys, +1 215-274-1254,; For Press: Patricia Gonzalez, Unisys, +1 817-846-7662,