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Company Announcements

Finsbury Growth & Income Trust PLC - Result of General Meeting and renewal of share buy-back authority


Legal Entity Identifier:   213800NN4ZKX2LG1GQ40


23 August 2024



Finsbury Growth & Income Trust PLC

(the "Company")    

Result of General Meeting and renewal of share buy-back authority

The Board of Directors of the Company (the " Board ") is pleased to announce that at the General Meeting held today, the resolution seeking the authority of Shareholders to renew the Company's authority to make market purchases of ordinary shares of 25 pence each in the capital of the Company (the " Ordinary Shares "), was passed by the required majority as a special resolution.

Voting at the General Meeting was completed by way of a poll. The result of the poll for the resolution was as follows:

|Special   |VOTES FOR |%    |VOTES AGAINST|%   |VOTES TOTAL|% of ISC*|VOTES   |
|Resolution|          |     |             |    |CAST       |VOTED    |WITHHELD|
|1         |68,852,810|97.27|1,934,428    |2.73|70,787,238 |41.16    |38,128  |

*Issued share capital with voting rights


  1. As at the date of the General Meeting, the Company had 224,991,303 Ordinary
     Shares in issue. The Company held 53,010,160 shares in treasury and
     therefore the number of total voting rights as at the date of the General
     Meeting was 171,981,143.
  2. A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation
     of the proportion of votes "for" or "against" a resolution.
  3. Any proxy votes which are at the discretion of the Chairman have been
     included in the "for" total.

The full text of the resolution can be found in the Notice of the General Meeting set out in the Circular to Shareholders dated 23 July 2024, copies of which are available on the Company's website, (the " Website ").

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.5 , the full text of the special resolution passed has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: . The resolution will additionally be filed with Companies House.

A copy of this announcement has been posted on the Website.

The Company will make further announcements in due course following the completion of any buy-back of Ordinary Shares.

For Further Information, please contact


        Frostrow Capital LLP, Company Secretary
                                        +44 (0)20 3170 8732
Victoria Hale