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Company Announcements

Augmentum Fintech plc - Result of AGM

LEI: 213800OTQ44T555I8S71


19 September 2024


Augmentum Fintech plc

(the ‘Company’)

Result of Annual General Meeting and Board Update

At the Augmentum Fintech plc Annual General Meeting held earlier today all of the resolutions were decided by poll and all were passed . The results of the poll are set out below.  


|Resolutions             |Votes     |      |Votes    |     |Total     |Votes   |
|                        |For       |%     |Against  |%    |Votes Cast|Withheld|
|Ordinary Resolutions    |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|1. To receive the Annual|          |      |         |     |          |        |
|Report and Financial    |60,620,864|99.99%|4,232    |0.01%|60,625,096|36,296  |
|Statements for the year |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|ended 31 March 2024.    |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|2. To re-elect Karen    |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|Brade as a Director of  |59,420,488|98.07%|1,171,007|1.93%|60,591,495|69,897  |
|the Company.            |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|3. To re-elect David    |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|Haysey as a Director of |59,440,729|98.09%|1,157,242|1.91%|60,597,971|63,421  |
|the Company.            |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|4. To re-elect Conny    |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|Dorrestijn as a Director|59,040,903|97.44%|1,551,128|2.56%|60,592,031|69,361  |
|of Company.             |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|5. To re-elect Sir      |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|William Russell as a    |59,387,274|98.00%|1,209,541|2.00%|60,596,815|64,577  |
|Director of Company.    |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|6. To receive and       |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|approve the Directors’  |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|Remuneration Report for |60,322,979|99.73%|160,670  |0.27%|60,483,649|177,743 |
|the year ended 31 March |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|2024.                   |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|7. To re-appoint BDO LLP|60,554,552|99.88%|73,896   |0.12%|60,628,448|31,865  |
|as Auditor of Company.  |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|8. To authorise the     |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|Audit Committee to      |60,613,544|99.97%|16,686   |0.03%|60,630,230|31,162  |
|determine the Auditor’s |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|remuneration.           |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|9.To authorise the      |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|Directors to allot      |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|securities in the       |60,453,181|99.69%|185,049  |0.31%|60,638,230|23,162  |
|Company within          |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|limitations set out in  |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|the Notice of meeting.  |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|Special Resolutions     |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|10. To disapply         |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|pre-emption rights in   |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|relation to the         |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|allotment of securities |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|for cash and the sale of|60,225,774|99.34%|403,140  |0.66%|60,628,914|32,478  |
|shares from treasury    |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|within limitations set  |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|out in the Notice of    |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|meeting.                |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|11. To authorise the    |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|Company to make market  |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|purchases of Ordinary   |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|shares in the Company   |60,574,373|99.89%|63,857   |0.11%|60,638,230|23,162  |
|within limitations set  |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|out in the Notice of    |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|meeting.                |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|12. To permit the       |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|Directors to call       |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|General Meetings        |60,346,862|99.54%|281,302  |0.46%|60,628,164|33,228  |
|(excluding the AGM) on  |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|not less than 14 clear  |          |      |         |     |          |        |
|days’ notice.           |          |      |         |     |          |        |




A vote Withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes “For” and “Against” a resolution.


Any proxy votes that were at the discretion of the Chairman have been included in the "for" total.


At the date of the Annual General Meeting the total number of Ordinary shares of 1p each in issue, excluding shares held in treasury, and the total number of voting rights was 167,971,971.


The full text of the resolutions can be found in the Notice of Annual General Meeting, which is available for viewing at the National Storage Mechanism and on the Company’s website, .


In accordance with United Kingdom Listing Rules 6.4.2 and 6.4.3, the full text of the special business resolutions passed has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: . The special business resolutions will additionally be filed with Companies House.



Board Update


As announced in the Company’s 2024 annual report, following the Annual General Meeting and having served as Chair since IPO in 2018, Neil England has retired from the Board, as part of an orderly Board refreshment.   The Directors would like to express their warmest thanks to Neil for his leadership and wisdom over the past six years and wish him all the best for the future.


The recruitment process for a successor, which has been conducted with the assistance of an independent search firm, is well underway and the Company will make a further announcement in due course.   David Haysey has agreed to stand in as interim Chair until an appointment is made.



For further information, please contact:


        Frostrow Capital LLP           +44 (0)20 3170 8733

Paul Griggs, Company Secretary