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Company Announcements

Mid Wynd International Investment Trust Plc - Director/PDMR Shareholding

|Notification of Transactions by                                               |
|                                                                              |
|Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities and                           |
|                                                                              |
|Persons Closely Associated with them                                          |
|1 |Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person     |
|  |closely associated                                                         |
|a)|Name                          |Jennifer Scott Discretionary Trust          |
|2 |Reason for the notification                                                |
|a)|Position/status               |Closely associated with Alan Scott, Director|
|b)|Initial notification          |Initial Notification                        |
|  |/Amendment                    |                                            |
|3 |Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction      |
|  |platform, auctioneer or auction monitor                                    |
|a)|Name                          |Mid Wynd International Investment Trust plc |
|b)|LEI                           |549300D32517C2M3A561                        |
|  |Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of |
|4 |instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each  |
|  |place where transactions have been conducted                               |
|  |Description of the financial  |Ordinary Shares                             |
|a)|instrument, type of instrument|                                            |
|  |______________________________|____________________________________________|
|  |Identification code           |GB00B6VTTK07                                |
|b)|Nature of the transaction     |Disposal                                    |
|  |Price(s) and volume(s)        ||        |         |                        |
|  |______________________________||________|_________|________________________|
|c)|                              ||Price(s)|Volume(s)|                        |
|  |______________________________||________|_________|________________________|
|  |                              ||£7.85625|6,000    |                        |
|  |Aggregated information        |                                            |
|  |______________________________|____________________________________________|
|d)|- Aggregated volume           |6,000                                       |
|  |______________________________|____________________________________________|
|  |- Price                       |£47,137.50                                  |
|e)|Date of the transaction       |28.10.2024                                  |
|f)|Place of the transaction      |London Stock Exchange (XLON)                |