Company Announcements

XP Power Ltd - Director/PDMR Shareholding

10 December 2024


XP Power Limited


("XP Power" or "the Company")


Director/PDMR Share Transactions

XP Power announces that it has been notified by Gavin Griggs, CEO, that on 6 December 2024, he exercised options over 3,102 ordinary shares of 1p each in the Company ("Ordinary Shares") at nil cost and retained the Ordinary Shares in full. The options exercised, granted in 2021 under the Company's Deferred Bonus Plan, were approaching their expiry date.

The notification below, made in accordance with the requirements of the UK Market Abuse Regulation, gives further details.

|1 |Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities              |
|a)|Name                           |Gavin Griggs                               |
|2 |Reason for the notification                                                |
|a)|Position/status                |Chief Executive Officer                    |
|b)|Initial notification /Amendment|Initial Notification                       |
|3 |Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction      |
|  |platform, auctioneer or auction monitor                                    |
|a)|Name                           |XP POWER LIMITED                           |
|b)|LEI                            |213800I7RWQ3FV72EZ26                       |
|  |Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of |
|4 |instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each  |
|  |place where transactions have been conducted                               |
|  |Description of the financial   |Ordinary shares of £0.01 each ("Ordinary   |
|a)|instrument, type of instrument |Shares")                                   |
|  |                               |                                           |
|  |Identification code            |SG9999003735                               |
|  |                               |  |Exercise of options granted on 4 March  |
|b)|Nature of the transaction      |1)|2021 under the XP Power Limited Deferred|
|  |                               |  |Bonus Plan 2017.                        |
|  |                               | __________________                        |
|  |                               ||Price(s)|Volume(s)|                       |
|c)|Price(s) and volume(s)         ||________|_________|                       |
|  |                               ||1) £0.00|3,102    |                       |
|  |                               ||________|_________|                       |
|  |Aggregated information         | ___________________________________       |
|  |                               ||Aggregated Volume|Aggregated Prices|      |
|d)|- Aggregated volume            ||_________________|_________________|      |
|  |                               ||1) 3,102         |£0               |      |
|  |- Price                        ||_________________|_________________|      |
|e)|Date of the transaction        |6 December 2024                            |
|f)|Place of the transaction       |1) Outside a trading venue                 |



        XP Power
        Ruth Cartwright, Company Secretary +44 (0)118 984 5515

Citigate Dewe Rogerson

Kevin Smith/Lucy Gibbs             +44 (0)207 638 9571