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About the company

Corpay, Inc. is a corporate payments company that helps businesses and consumers manage and pay expenses. The Company's suite of payment solutions helps customers to manage vehicle-related expenses, such as fueling and parking; travel expenses, such as hotel bookings; and accounts payable, such as paying vendors. Its segments include Vehicle Payments, Corporate Payments, Lodging Payments and Other. Its solutions include AP Automation, Cross-Border, Purchasing and T&E Cards, and Virtual Card. Its AP Automation solutions include Payments Automation, Invoice Automation, Purchase Order Automation and Integrations. Its Virtual Card solution provides a single-use card number for a specific amount, usable within a defined timeframe. Its trading platform and integrated payment solutions, which can be customized as per client’s business requirements. Its Cross-Border solution is used by its customers to pay international vendors, foreign office and for-profit repatriation and dividends.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)3.97bn
  • Net income in USD1.00bn
  • Incorporated1998
  • Employees10.50k
  • Location
    Corpay Inc3280 Peachtree Road, Suite 2400ATLANTA 30305United StatesUSA
  • Phone+1 (302) 636-5400
  • Fax+1 (302) 636-5454
  • Website
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Mergers & acquisitions

Acquired companyDeal statusDateDate /
Deal status
CPAY:NYQ since
GPS Capital Markets LLCDeal completed19 Jun 202419 Jun 2024Deal completed28.62%725.00m
Paymerang LLCDeal completed08 May 202408 May 2024Deal completed6.55%--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 10 2025 23:00 BST.
Data Provided by LSEG
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