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  • Price (CAD)6.78
  • Today's Change-0.175 / -2.52%
  • Shares traded400.00
  • 1 Year change-35.21%
  • Beta--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 13 2025 16:36 BST.
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About the company

NexGen Energy Ltd. is a Canadian company focused on delivering clean energy fuel for the future. It is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and evaluation and development of uranium properties in Canada. It is focused on optimally developing the Rook I Project. It has a portfolio of highly prospective projects, including its 100% owned Rook I property that is host to the high-grade Arrow Deposit, South Arrow, Harpoon, Bow, and the Cannon area. The Rook I Project is a development-stage uranium project in Canada. The new underground mine and mill development is located in the uranium-rich district of the southwestern area of the Athabasca Basin, located in Saskatchewan. Arrow is a 100% land-based, basement-hosted, and high-grade uranium discovery. The Rook I Project, host of the Arrow Deposit, which is a development-stage uranium project in Canada and is 100% owned by NexGen Energy Ltd. The Rook I property hosts the Harpoon Discovery located 4.7 km northeast of the Arrow Deposit.

  • Revenue in CAD (TTM)0.00
  • Net income in CAD147.73m
  • Incorporated2013
  • Employees77.00
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Data Provided by LSEG
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