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  • Price (EUR)430.00
  • Today's Change16.00 / 3.86%
  • Shares traded45.00
  • 1 Year change+13.22%
  • Beta--
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About the company

Murphy USA Inc. is a retailer of gasoline and convenience merchandise with more than 1,700 stores located primarily in the Southwest, Southeast, Midwest and Northeast United States. The Company has one operating segment, which is Marketing. The Marketing segment includes its retail marketing stores and product supply and wholesale assets. The majority of its existing and new-to-industry (NTI) retail gasoline stores operate under the brand names of Murphy USA and Murphy Express. The majority of Murphy USA's stores are located in close proximity to Walmart Supercenters. The Company also markets gasoline and other products at standalone stores under the Murphy Express and QuickChek brands. The Company has a network of retail gasoline and convenience stores in approximately 27 states. In addition, it markets fuel to unbranded wholesale customers through a mixture of Company owned and third-party product distribution terminals and pipeline positions.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)20.24bn
  • Net income in USD502.50m
  • Incorporated2013
  • Employees5.90k
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