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About the company

Ferrari NV, known as Ferrari, is an Italy-based designer, manufacturer and retailer of sports cars that is incorporated in the Netherlands. It operates under the Ferrari brand. Its sports cars portfolio includes, among others, F12berlinetta, FF, Ferrari 488 GTB, 488 Spider, 458 Speciale, Ferrari California T, F12tdf and LaFerrari. The Company also offers financing services through Ferrari Financial Services. It also produces limited series and one-off cars. The Company divides its regional markets in EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa), Americas, Greater China and Rest of APAC (Asia-Pacific region, excluding Greater China) and is active in over 60 markets worldwide through a network of authorized dealers.

  • Revenue in EUR (TTM)6.46bn
  • Net income in EUR1.43bn
  • Incorporated2015
  • Employees5.29k
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