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Consumer Staples Personal Care, Drug and Grocery Stores
  • Price (EUR)22.80
  • Today's Change0.20 / 0.88%
  • Shares traded180.00
  • 1 Year change-31.33%
  • Beta--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 13 2025 10:46 BST.
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About the company

Greggs plc is a United Kingdom-based company, which is a food-on-the-go retailer, providing a wide menu of food and drink. Under Company-managed retail activities segment, the Company sells a consistent range of fresh bakery goods, sandwiches and drinks in its own shops or via delivery. Under Business-to-business channel segment, the Company sells products to franchise and wholesale partners for sale in their own outlets as well as charging a license fee to franchise partners. Its products also include Mozzarella and Cheddar bites and Hot Chicken Wraps. It serves hot Yum Yums, Brownies, and Cookies with a chocolate or salted caramel dipping pot. It sells Southern Fried Chicken Goujons, Spicy BBQ Chicken Bites and pizza sharing boxes alongside its single slice and meal deal offers. It also offers over-ice drinks, including the Iced Latte and Iced Cloudy Lemonade. Its Click + Collect service offers the customers the ability to browse its menu, skip the queues and personalize their order.

  • Revenue in GBP (TTM)1.93bn
  • Net income in GBP137.30m
  • Incorporated1951
  • Employees30.09k
  • Location
    Greggs PLCGreggs House, Quorum Business ParkNEWCASTLE UPON TYNE NE12 8BUUnited KingdomGBR
  • Phone+44 191 281 7721
  • Website
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