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  • Price (EUR)2.38
  • Today's Change-0.10 / -4.03%
  • Shares traded0.00
  • 1 Year change-25.63%
  • Beta--
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About the company

WHARF REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED is a company principally engaged in the investment and operation of properties. The Company’s Harbour City is a mixed-use integrated complex with retail and office premises, serviced apartments, hotels and a club. Strategically located at the harbour front in Tsim Sha Tsui, it includes one of the largest shopping malls in Hong Kong with a contiguous mall, drawing shoppers and tourists to its entertainment, dining and hotel components. The Company’s Times Square is a mixed-use integrated complex which is directly connected to the MTR station in Causeway Bay, with retail and office premises which house 16 levels of shopping mall, and housed international brands and other retailers, 20 restaurants and a cinema. The Company’s main revenue is rental income from investment properties.

  • Revenue in HKD (TTM)13.33bn
  • Net income in HKD1.91bn
  • Incorporated2017
  • Employees2.90k
  • Location
    Wharf Real Estate Investment Company Ltd16th Floor,Ocean CentreCanton Road,Harbour CityKowloon Hong KongHKG
  • Phone+852 21183118
  • Fax+852 21183208
  • Website
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