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About the company

Bakkavor Group plc is a United Kingdom-based company, which is a provider of fresh prepared food (FPF). The principal activities of the Company comprise the manufacture of fresh prepared foods and fresh produce. These activities are undertaken in the United Kingdom, the United States, where products are primarily sold through high-street supermarkets, and China, where products are primarily sold through foodservice operators. Its product offerings include fresh-made meals, artisanal breads, soups and sauces, hummus and dips and burritos. The flagship fresh-made meals include both single-serve and family-size entrees. The artisanal breads offer products, including oven products, including flatbreads, focaccia, pizzas and sourdough under the Breadeli brand. The soups and sauces offer seasonal produce, lean proteins, and aromatic herbs and spices. Its burrito offers a variety of flavors, including black bean and cheese, chicken fajita, and breakfast burritos.

  • Revenue in GBP (TTM)2.23bn
  • Net income in GBP64.00m
  • Incorporated2017
  • Employees18.00k
  • Location
    Bakkavor Group Plc5th FloorFitzroy Place, 8 Mortimer StreetLONDON W1T 3JJUnited KingdomGBR
  • Phone+44 177 566 3800
  • Fax+44 207 908 6101
  • Website
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