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About the company

Wise plc is a United Kingdom-based global technology company. The principal activity of the Company is the provision of cross-border money transfer services. Its products include international money transfers, Wise account, international debit card, travel money card, large amount transfer, receive money, Wise platform, Wise business, business debit card and mass payments. The International money transfer product offers bank transfers, debit cards and credit cards. The Wise Account offers 40 currencies to use or keep handing and receive money internationally too, with account details and IBANs for nine currencies. The Travel money card product offers currency cards for all travel. The Wise travel money card also offers an exchange rate on Google for spending in approximately 40+ different currencies. The Wise Platform is used by banks, large businesses and other enterprises. The Wise Platform serves various industries, including banks, technology firms, cloud platforms and others.

  • Revenue in GBP (TTM)1.56bn
  • Net income in GBP431.30m
  • Incorporated2021
  • Employees5.50k
  • Location
    Wise PLC6Th Floor Tea Building56 Shoreditch High StreetLONDON E1 6JJUnited KingdomGBR
  • Website
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