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About the company

Swire Pacific Ltd is an investment holding company mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of beverages. The Company operates its business through five segments. The Beverages segment engages in the manufacture and distribution The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC), including sparkling and water. The Aviation segment comprises an associate interest in airlines providing passenger services and cargo services, aviation maintenance and repair business. The Property segment engages in property investment, hotel investment and management, and property trading, with an investment portfolio encompassing office and retail premises, hotels, serviced apartments and other residential accommodation. The Trading and Industrial segment retails and distributes footwear, apparel and related accessories, packages and sells sugar, operates bakery chains, and sells passenger cars, commercial vehicles, motorcycles and scooters. The Head Office, Healthcare and others segment engages in healthcare investments.

  • Revenue in HKD (TTM)82.84bn
  • Net income in HKD28.55bn
  • Incorporated1940
  • Employees78.00k
  • Location
    Swire Pacific Ltd33/F, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Hong KongHKG
  • Phone+852 28408888
  • Fax+852 25269365
  • Website
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