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  • Price (EUR)87.49
  • Today's Change-1.93 / -2.16%
  • Shares traded618.00
  • 1 Year change-12.86%
  • Beta--
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About the company

Crown Castle Inc. owns, operates and leases shared communications infrastructure. Its core business is providing access, including space or capacity, to its shared communications infrastructure via long-term contracts in various forms, including lease, license, sublease and service agreements. The Company has two segments: Towers and Fiber, which include both small cells and fiber solutions. Towers segment provides access, including space or capacity, to the Company's more than 40,000 towers geographically dispersed throughout the United States. The segment also reflects certain ancillary services relating to the Company's towers, predominately consisting of site development services and installation services. Fiber segment provides access, including space or capacity, to the Company's approximately 115,000 small cells on air or under contract and 90,000 route miles of fiber primarily supporting small cells and fiber solutions geographically dispersed throughout the United States.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)6.59bn
  • Net income in USD1.23bn
  • Incorporated2014
  • Employees4.70k
  • Location
    Crown Castle Inc8020 Katy FreewayHOUSTON 77024United StatesUSA
  • Phone+1 (713) 570-3000
  • Fax+1 (302) 655-5049
  • Website
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