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About the company

JD.Com Inc is a company principally engaged in the e-commerce business, including online retail and online marketplace mainly through its retail mobile apps and website (collectively, JD Platform). The Company operates its businesses through four segments. JD Retail segment, including JD Health, JD Industrials, and other components, mainly engage in online retail, online marketplace and marketing services in China. JD Logistics segment includes both internal and external logistics businesses. Dada segment is a local on-demand delivery and retail platform in China. New Businesses segment mainly include JD Property, Jingxi and overseas businesses. The Company mainly conducts its businesses in the domestic market and overseas markets.

  • Revenue in HKD (TTM)1.19tn
  • Net income in HKD37.28bn
  • Incorporated2014
  • Employees517.12k
  • Location
    JD.Com Inc10/F, Building A, North Star Cntry CntrNo.8, Beichen West Street, ChaoyangBEIJING 101111ChinaCHN
  • Phone+86 1 058955500
  • Website
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