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About the company

Brenntag SE, former Brenntag AG, is a Germany-based company active in the field of full-line chemical distribution. It provides business-to-business distribution solutions for industrial and specialty chemicals. The Company purchases and stores large-scale quantities of industrial and specialty chemicals and repackages them into smaller quantities. In addition, the Company also offers additional services, including delivery, product mixing, blending, repackaging, micronization and fine milling, inventory management and drum return handling, as well as technical and laboratory services for specialty chemicals. The Company offers its products to a range of market industries, such as adhesives, paints, oil & gas, food, water treatment, personal care and pharmaceuticals. The Company operates through a network with more than 550 locations in Europe, North and Latin America, and in the Asia Pacific region.

  • Revenue in EUR (TTM)16.19bn
  • Net income in EUR544.50m
  • Incorporated2021
  • Employees17.70k
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Mergers & acquisitions

Acquired companyDeal statusDateDate /
Deal status
BNRX.N:GER since
Lawrence Industries PLCDeal completed03 Apr 202403 Apr 2024Deal completed-15.77%--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 10 2025 16:35 BST.
Data Provided by LSEG
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