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About the company

Cenovus Energy Inc. is a Canada-based integrated energy company. The Company has oil and natural gas production operations in Canada and the Asia Pacific region, and upgrading, refining and marketing operations in Canada and the United States. The Company's segments include Upstream, Downstream, and Corporate and Eliminations. Its Upstream segment includes Oil Sands, Conventional, and Offshore. Its Downstream segment consists of Canadian Manufacturing, and United States Manufacturing. The Company's upstream operations include oil sands projects in northern Alberta, thermal and conventional crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs) projects across Western Canada, crude oil production offshore Newfoundland and Labrador and natural gas and NGLs production offshore China and Indonesia. The Company's downstream operations include upgrading and refining operations in Canada and the United States, and commercial fuel operations across Canada.

  • Revenue in CAD (TTM)55.67bn
  • Net income in CAD3.70bn
  • Incorporated2021
  • Employees6.93k
  • Location
    Cenovus Energy Inc225 - 6 Avenue S.W.,P.O. Box 766CALGARY T2P 1N2CanadaCAN
  • Phone+1 (403) 766-2000
  • Website
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Mergers & acquisitions

Acquired companyDeal statusDateDate /
Deal status
CVE:TOR since
Gear Energy LtdDeal completed02 Dec 202402 Dec 2024Deal completed-15.01%78.56m
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 13 2025 20:00 BST.
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