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  • Price (CHF)36.68
  • Today's Change-0.701 / -1.88%
  • Shares traded1.09k
  • 1 Year change+28.83%
  • Beta--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 13 2025.
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About the company

Sandoz Group AG is a Switzerland based company which is active in healthcare technology industry. The Company operates in two businesses, Generics and Biosimilars. Generics business develops, manufacture and market active ingredients and finished dosage forms of small molecule pharmaceuticals, finished dosage forms of anti-infectives and active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates. Biosimilars business develops, manufacture and market protein-based and other biological products which are similar to another already approved biological medicines. Company’s product portfolio comprising Generics and Biosimilars covers all therapeutic areas for patient treatment such as cardiovascular, central nervous system, oncology, anti-infectives, pain and respiratory. The Company serves customers worldwide.

  • Revenue in CHF (TTM)--
  • Net income in CHF--
  • Incorporated2022
  • Employees23.85k
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