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  • Price (MXN)3,580.00
  • Today's Change-156.85 / -4.20%
  • Shares traded29.00
  • 1 Year change+63.09%
  • Beta--
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About the company

DoorDash, Inc. is engaged in providing services that reduce friction in local commerce and help merchants connect with consumers in their communities. The Company's primary offerings include the DoorDash Marketplace and the Wolt Marketplace (together, the Marketplaces), and its Commerce Platform. Its Marketplaces operate in over 30 countries across the globe and provide an integrated suite of services that help merchants establish an online presence, connect with consumers in their communities, and solve mission-critical challenges, such as customer acquisition, demand generation, order fulfillment, merchandising, payment processing, and customer support. It also offers advertising as a value-added service through its Marketplaces to help merchants and consumer packaged goods companies increase consumer engagement. It also offers consumer membership programs, such as DashPass and Wolt+. Its white-label delivery fulfillment services include DoorDash Drive On-Demand and Wolt Drive.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)10.15bn
  • Net income in USD-172.00m
  • Incorporated2013
  • Employees19.30k
  • Location
    DoorDash Inc901 Market Street 6Th FloorSan Francisco 94103United StatesUSA
  • Phone+1 (646) 642-3333
  • Fax+1 (302) 655-5049
  • Website
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