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  • Price (EUR)3.54
  • Today's Change-0.04 / -1.12%
  • Shares traded0.00
  • 1 Year change+14.19%
  • Beta--
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About the company

FirstRand Limited is a portfolio of integrated financial services businesses, including FNB, WesBank, RMB and Aldermore. The Company also offers transactional, lending, investment and insurance products and services. FNB represents the Company’s activities in the retail and commercial segments in South Africa and several countries in broader Africa. WesBank represents the Company’s asset-based finance activities in the retail, commercial and corporate segments in South Africa. It also provides vehicle finance and fleet management in the country. RMB represents its activities in the corporate and institutional segments of South Africa and on the African continent. In addition, it has offerings in United Kingdom, the United States and India. Its United Kingdom operations include Aldermore Bank and MotoNovo. The portfolio consists of specialist lending for property finance, structured and specialist finance for motor finance, retail and business savings products.

  • Revenue in ZAR (TTM)189.52bn
  • Net income in ZAR38.19bn
  • Incorporated1966
  • Employees49.25k
  • Location
    FirstRand Ltd4 Merchant PlaceCorner Fredman Drive and Rivonia RoadSANDTON 2196South AfricaZAF
  • Phone+27 112821808
  • Fax+27 112828088
  • Website
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