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About the company

IBERDROLA, S.A. is engaged in carrying out electricity and gas activities in Spain and abroad. The Company's segments include Network business, Deregulated business, Renewable business and Other businesses. The Company's Network business segment includes all the energy transmission and distribution activities, and any other regulated activity originated in Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States and Brazil. Its Deregulated business segment includes electricity generation and sales businesses, as well as gas trading and storage businesses carried on by the Company in Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom and North America. Its Renewable business segment includes activities related to renewable energies in Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States and the rest of the world. Its Other businesses segment includes the engineering and construction businesses and the non-power businesses. The Company offers its customers power and natural gas, both in the wholesale and retail markets.

  • Revenue in EUR (TTM)45.26bn
  • Net income in EUR6.66bn
  • Incorporated1901
  • Employees41.80k
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Mergers & acquisitions

Acquired companyDeal statusDateDate /
Deal status
IBE:MCE since
Balantia Energy Solutions & Technologies SLUDeal completed03 Jul 202403 Jul 2024Deal completed14.07%--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 13 2025 16:35 BST.
Data Provided by LSEG
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