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  • Price (EUR)9.30
  • Today's Change-0.157 / -1.66%
  • Shares traded2.54k
  • 1 Year change+14.51%
  • Beta--
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About the company

Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. is a global media and entertainment company. The Company operates through three segments: Studios, Networks, and DTC. The Studios segment consists of the production and release of feature films for initial exhibition in theaters, production, and initial licensing of television programs to its networks/DTC services as well as third parties, distribution of its films and television programs to various third party and internal television and streaming services, distribution through the home entertainment market (physical and digital), related consumer products and themed experience licensing, and interactive gaming. The Networks segment primarily consists of its domestic and international television networks. The DTC segment primarily consists of its premium pay-TV and streaming services. The Company's brands and franchises include Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group, DC, HBO, HBO Max, discovery+, CNN, TLC, OWN, Warner Bros., and Discovery Channel, among others.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)39.58bn
  • Net income in USD-11.22bn
  • Incorporated2008
  • Employees35.30k
  • Location
    Warner Bros Discovery Inc230 PARK AVENUE SOUTHNEW YORK 10003United StatesUSA
  • Phone+1 (212) 548-5555
  • Fax+1 (302) 655-5049
  • Website
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