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  • 1 Year change-21.62%
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About the company

James Hardie Industries PLC is a manufacturer of fiber cement building solutions, and a market in fiber gypsum and cement-bonded boards in Europe. The Company’s fiber cement building materials include a range of products for both external and internal use across a range of applications. The Company’s segments include North America Fiber Cement, Asia Pacific Fiber Cement, Europe Building Products and Research and Development. The North America Fiber Cement segment manufactures fiber cement interior linings, exterior siding products and related accessories in the United States. The Asia Pacific Fiber Cement segment includes all fiber cement products manufactured in Australia and the Philippines, and sold in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the Middle East, and various Pacific Islands. The Europe Building Products segment includes fiber gypsum product manufactured in Europe, and fiber cement product manufactured in the United States that is sold in Europe.

  • Revenue in AUD (TTM)6.26bn
  • Net income in AUD699.35m
  • Incorporated2010
  • Employees5.68k
  • Location
    James Hardie Industries PLC2Nd Floor Europa HouseHarcourt Centre Harcourt StreetDUBLIN 2IrelandIRL
  • Phone+353 14116924
  • Fax+353 14791128
  • Website
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