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About the company

Capri Holdings Limited is a holding company, which owns brands that are designers, marketers, distributors and retailers of women’s and men’s accessories, footwear and ready-to-wear bearing the Versace, Jimmy Choo and Michael Kors tradenames and related trademarks and logos. The Company operates in three segments: Versace, Jimmy Choo and Michael Kors. Versace segment include sale of Versace luxury ready-to-wear, accessories and footwear through directly operated Versace boutiques throughout the Americas, certain parts of Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and certain parts of Asia, as well as through Versace outlet stores and e-commerce sites. Jimmy Choo segment includes Jimmy Choo luxury footwear, handbags and small leather goods and accessories. Michael Kors segment includes the sale of Michael Kors products through four Michael Kors retail store formats: Collection stores, Lifestyle stores (including concessions), outlet stores and e-commerce sites.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)4.63bn
  • Net income in USD-1.01bn
  • Incorporated2002
  • Employees10.20k
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Mergers & acquisitions

Acquired companyDeal statusDateDate /
Deal status
CPRI:NYQ since
Calzaturificio Sicla SrlDeal completed23 Mar 202423 Mar 2024Deal completed-58.00%--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 10 2025 23:00 BST.
Data Provided by LSEG
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