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About the company

Lagardere SA is a France-based global company that engages mainly in two business divisions: Lagardere Publishing and Lagardere Travel Retail. The Company group scope includes Lagardere News (Paris Match, Le Journal du Dimanche, JDD Magazine, Europe 1, Europe 2, RFM, the Elle license), Lagardere Live Entertainment (production of concerts and shows, management of performance halls) and Lagardere Paris Racing (sports club). Lagardere Publishing operates as a consumer and educational book publisher that contributes to their wider distribution on the digital and mobile uses of reading. Its activity also involves areas of publishing such as board games and mobile games. Lagardere Travel Retail is the retail operator in transport areas mainly in three business segments: Travel Essentials, Duty Free and Fashion, Food and Beverage. It has more than 4,890 stores located in a thousand airports, train stations and metro stations.

  • Revenue in EUR (TTM)8.57bn
  • Net income in EUR74.00m
  • Incorporated1980
  • Employees31.13k
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