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About the company

NetEase Inc is a China-based technology company. The Company operates through four business segments. The Games and Related Value-added Services segment is engaged in development and sales of mobile game, personal computer (PC) games, operation of games and other value-added services, including in-game virtual items and prepaid points. The Youdao segment provides learning services, smart devices and online marketing services. Its products and services include online courses and digital content services. The Cloud Music segment provides online music services through the sales of membership subscriptions in various content and service packages, social entertainment services and others mainly through the sale of virtual items. The Innovative Businesses and Others segment provides e-commerce, advertising services and other value-added services. The Company mainly operates its businesses in the domestic and overseas markets.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)14.50bn
  • Net income in USD3.78bn
  • Incorporated1999
  • Employees29.13k
  • Location
    NetEase IncNetEase BuildingNo. 599 Wangshang Rd, Binjiang DistrictHANGZHOU 310052ChinaCHN
  • Phone+86 57 189853378
  • Website
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