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About the company

Nexans SA is a France-based company engaged in the cable industry. It provides copper and fiber-optic cables and cabling systems to the energy infrastructure, telecom and data, building and Local Area Network (LAN) markets. The Company goes beyond cables to offer its customers a comprehensive service that leverages digital technology to maximize the performance and efficiency of their critical assets. It designs solutions and services throughout the value chain in three main areas of activity, such as Building & Territories (including public services and e-mobility), High Voltage & Projects (covering offshore wind farms , submarine interconnections, terrestrial high voltage), and Industry & Solutions (including renewable energies, transport, oil and gas, automation, and others).

  • Revenue in EUR (TTM)8.01bn
  • Net income in EUR263.00m
  • Incorporated1994
  • Employees28.37k
  • Location
    Nexans SA4 allee de L ArcheCOURBEVOIE 92400FranceFRA
  • Phone+33 178150000
  • Fax+33 173238638
  • Website
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