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About the company

Clearway Energy, Inc. is a renewable energy company. The Company invests in energy infrastructures and focuses on investments in clean energy and owns modern, sustainable and long-term contracted assets across North America. Its businesses are segregated based on conventional power generation and renewable businesses, which consist of solar, wind and energy storage. It owns approximately 6,200 net megawatts (MW) of installed wind, solar and energy storage projects. The Company's approximately 8,700 net MW of assets also includes approximately 2,500 net MW of natural gas-fired generation facilities. Its conventional projects include Carlsbad, El Segundo, GenConn Devon, GenConn Middletown, Marsh Landing and Walnut Creek. The Company’s utility scale solar projects include Agua Caliente, Alpine, Avenal, Avra Valley, Blythe, Borrego, Buckthorn Solar, CVSR, Daggett 2, Daggett 3, Desert Sunlight 250, Kansas South, and others. Its wind projects include Black Rock, Buffalo Bear and Cedar Creek.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)1.36bn
  • Net income in USD122.00m
  • Incorporated2012
  • Employees61.00
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