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About the company

Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras is a Brazil-based company. The Company specializes in the oil, natural gas and energy industry. The Company is engaged in prospecting, drilling, refining, processing, trading and transporting crude oil from producing onshore and offshore oil fields and from shale or other rocks. Its segments include Exploration and Production (exploration, development, and production of crude oil, natural gas liquids, and natural gas); Refining, Transportation, and Marketing (refining, logistics, transport, trading of oil products, ethanol export, shale processing); Gas and Power (transportation and trading of natural and imported gas); Biofuels (production of biodiesel and ethanol); Distribution (fuel distribution); and Corporate (administrative and support functions).

  • Revenue in BRL (TTM)503.82bn
  • Net income in BRL84.69bn
  • Incorporated1953
  • Employees46.73k
  • Location
    Petroleo Brasileiro SA PetrobrasAv. Republica do Chilen 65, 24 andar, CentroRio de Janeiro 20.031-912BrazilBRA
  • Phone+55 2 132241510
  • Fax+55 2 132246055
  • Website
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