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Caltagirone SpA

Caltagirone SpA

  • Price (EUR)7.10
  • Today's Change0.04 / 0.57%
  • Shares traded0.00
  • 1 Year change+79.75%
  • Beta--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 10 2025.
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About the company

Caltagirone SpA is an Italy-based holding company primarily engaged in the manufacture of cement. Through its subsidiaries, the Company is involved in various activities. Through Cementir Holding SpA, it is active in the production and distribution of grey cement, white cement, concrete and aggregates. Through Caltagirone Editore SpA, it is involved in the publishing of newspapers, provision of advertising services and television broadcasting. Through Vianini Lavori SpA, it is engaged in the building and heavy construction sector, including construction of subway, railway infrastructure, highways, channels, aqueducts, dams, hydroelectric plants, and residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Through Vianini Industria SpA, the Company manufactures concrete construction materials, such as railway sleepers, water pipes, tunnel segments and concrete poles, among others. The Company operates in Italy and abroad, including Norway, Sweden, Turkey, China and Portugal, among others.

  • Revenue in EUR (TTM)1.96bn
  • Net income in EUR138.36m
  • Incorporated--
  • Employees3.85k
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