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About the company

SSAB AB is a Sweden-based company active within the steel industry. The Company is engaged in the development, manufacture and marketing of high strength steel products and solutions. It develops its products together with customers in order to create an offering comprised of solutions ranging from lightness and durability to strength, efficiency, sustainability and safety. Its offering includes such brands as SSAB Domex, Hardox, Docol, Greencoat, Armox and Toolox. The Company’s operations are structured into five divisions: SSAB Special Steels, SSAB Europe, SSAB Americas, Tibnor and Rukki Construction. Tibnor and Ruukki Construction are operated as independent subsidiaries by their respective boards.

  • Revenue in SEK (TTM)103.42bn
  • Net income in SEK6.52bn
  • Incorporated1978
  • Employees14.62k
  • Location
    SSAB ABKlarabergsviadukten 70, D6, Box 70STOCKHOLM 101 21SwedenSWE
  • Phone+46 84545700
  • Fax+46 84545725
  • Website
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