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About the company

Subsea 7 S.A. is engaged in the delivery of offshore projects and services for the energy industry. The Company provides project management, engineering and construction expertise across the full field lifecycle. The Company's segments include Subsea and Conventional, Renewables and Corporate. The Subsea and Conventional segment is delivering complex offshore projects to the oil and gas industry. The Company operates under the Subsea7 brand. This segment's activities include Subsea Umbilicals, Risers and Flowlines (SURF) activities related to the engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning of complex subsea oil and gas systems in deep waters, including the long-term contracts for pipelay support vessels in Brazil, and various other activities. The Renewables segment comprises activities primarily related to the delivery of fixed offshore wind farm projects, and activities related to its floating wind activities, including its subsidiary Nautilus Floating Solutions.

  • Revenue in NOK (TTM)74.13bn
  • Net income in NOK1.82bn
  • Incorporated1993
  • Employees1.00
  • Location
    Subsea 7 SA40 Brighton RoadSUTTON SM2 5BNUnited KingdomGBR
  • Phone+44 208 722 6025
  • Fax+44 208 210 5501
  • Website
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