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  • Price (EUR)82.08
  • Today's Change1.90 / 2.37%
  • Shares traded0.00
  • 1 Year change-3.05%
  • Beta--
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About the company

Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. is a provider of hand tools, power tools, outdoor products, and related accessories. The Company also provides engineered fastening solutions. Its solutions include Tools & Outdoor and Industrial. The Tools & Outdoor segment is comprised of the power tools group (PTG), hand tools, accessories, and storage (HTAS), and outdoor power equipment (Outdoor) product lines. Its PTG product line includes both professional and consumer products. The HTAS product line sells hand tools, power tool accessories and storage products. The Industrial segment is comprised of the Engineered Fastening business. The Engineered Fastening business primarily sells engineered components such as fasteners, fittings, and various engineered products, which are designed for specific application across multiple verticals. The product lines include externally threaded fasteners, blind rivets and tools, blind inserts, and tools, and drawn arc weld studs and systems.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)15.37bn
  • Net income in USD286.30m
  • Incorporated1901
  • Employees50.50k
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