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  • Price (EUR)2.47
  • Today's Change0.055 / 2.28%
  • Shares traded--
  • 1 Year change+31.12%
  • Beta--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 13 2025 07:09 BST.
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About the company

CMC Markets Plc is a United Kingdom-based online financial trading company. The Company’s segments include Trading and Investing. The Company’s principal business is online trading, providing its clients with the ability to trade a variety of financial products for short-term investment and hedging purposes. These products include contracts for difference (CFD) and financial spread betting on a range of underlying shares, indices, foreign currencies, commodities, and treasuries. Its CFDs are traded worldwide; spread bets only in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It serves retail and institutional clients through regulated offices and branches in about 12 countries with presence in the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Singapore. It offers an online and mobile trading platform, enabling clients to trade over 12,000 financial instruments across shares, indices, foreign currencies, commodities, and treasuries through CFDs, financial spread bets, and access stockbroking services.

  • Revenue in GBP (TTM)387.57m
  • Net income in GBP84.51m
  • Incorporated2004
  • Employees1.17k
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