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  • Price (EUR)15.57
  • Today's Change-1.33 / -7.85%
  • Shares traded5.00
  • 1 Year change-27.78%
  • Beta--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 10 2025 18:30 BST.
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About the company

Foot Locker, Inc. is a retailer of shoes and apparel. The Company operates through three segments: North America, Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), and Asia Pacific. The Company's portfolio of brands includes Foot Locker, Kids Foot Locker, Champs Sports, WSS, and atmos. It uses its omni-channel capabilities to bridge the digital world and physical stores, including order-in-store, buy online and pickup-in-store, and buy online and ship-from-store, as well as e-commerce. It operates websites and mobile apps aligned with the brand names of its store banners. The Company operates approximately 2,523 stores in 26 countries across North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia, and a franchised store presence in the Middle East and Asia. The Kids Foot Locker offers athletic footwear, apparel, and accessories for children. Champs Sports is a primarily mall-based specialty athletic footwear and apparel retailer. atmos is a digitally led, brand featuring sneakers and apparel.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)8.12bn
  • Net income in USD-426.00m
  • Incorporated1989
  • Employees14.34k
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