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About the company

Austevoll Seafood ASA (AUSS) is a Norway-based holding company. The Company is involved in pelagic operations within fisheries, production of fishmeal and fish oil, and frozen pelagic consumer products. The Company has sales operations in Norway, Europe, Asia, the USA and South America. Its activities are divided into operating segments and reflect its portfolio companies: Leroey Seafood Group ASA, which is involved in fish farming; Austral Group S.A.A., that is engaged in the production of fishmeal, fish oil, canned fish and frozen fish; Foodcorp Chile S.A., that is engaged in production of frozen fish, canned fish, fishmeal and fish oil.; Br. Birkeland AS, that holds pelagic fishing licences utilised by two purse-seiner fishing vessels; Br. Birkeland Farming AS, that holds seven salmon farming licences in the Western Region of Norway and the joint venture Pelagia Holding AS, that is engaged in production of fishmeal, fish oil, Omega-3 oil and frozen fish for direct human consumption.

  • Revenue in NOK (TTM)34.99bn
  • Net income in NOK2.21bn
  • Incorporated1995
  • Employees7.02k
  • Location
    Austevoll Seafood ASAAlfabyggetSTOREBO 5392NorwayNOR
  • Phone+47 56181000
  • Fax+47 56181003
  • Website
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