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Inc stmt in USDIncome statement in USDView more

Year on year Johnson & Johnson grew revenues 6.46% from 79.99bn to 85.16bn while net income improved 95.94% from 17.94bn to 35.15bn.
Gross margin70.22%
Net profit margin22.92%
Operating margin27.19%
Return on assets--
Return on equity--
Return on investment--
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Cash flow in USDView more

In 2023, Johnson & Johnson increased its cash reserves by 54.73%, or 7.73bn. The company earned 22.79bn from its operations for a Cash Flow Margin of 26.76%. In addition the company generated 878.00m cash from investing, though they paid out 15.83bn more in financing than they received.
Cash flow per share7.46
Price/Cash flow per share19.23
Book value per share--
Tangible book value per share--
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Balance sheet in USDView more

Johnson & Johnson uses little or no debt in its capital structure.
Current ratio--
Quick ratio--
Total debt/total equity--
Total debt/total capital--
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Growth rates in USD

Year on year, growth in dividends per share increased 5.62% while earnings per share excluding extraordinary items fell by -15.30%. The positive trend in dividend payments is noteworthy since very few companies in the Biotechnology & Drugs industry pay a dividend. Additionally when measured on a five year annualized basis, both dividend per share and earnings per share growth ranked in-line with the industry average relative to its peers.
Div yield(5 year avg)2.61%
Div growth rate (5 year)5.83%
Payout ratio (TTM)45.62%
EPS growth(5 years)-1.47
EPS (TTM) vs
TTM 1 year ago
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